Postcard – Female Face


Post Card Female Face, Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery

2 in stock


By the time pregnant females start arriving on the beach throughout December, the males have already sorted out who gets the prime positions. As the females arrive they look the situation over and decide where they want to come ashore. The older, more dominant females usually get the best spots, near the center of the harem where they are more likely to avoid harassment from the secondary males. In case you were wondering, females do not develop a proboscis or large nose, like the males do. While the seals may be seen being cozy together on the rookery, at sea it is a whole other matter. As they spend their time alone and fending for themselves while at sea.

Pick up your post card today to remind yourself of the incredible tenacity it takes to be an elephant seal!

  • 4″x6″
  • Name Dropped: Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery, San Simeon, California
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