Beaches and parks in the San Simeon area are exciting places for pets to visit with their families.  Both locals and visitors enjoy the gorgeous scenery, abundant wildlife, beaches, breaking waves and breath-taking sunsets.

Learn the B.A.R.K. principles so you and your pet can have a safe and fun visit anytime you go to a park or beach. This program was initiated in the National Parks system, as part of the Healthy People Healthy Parks Initiative. 

The Friends of the Elephant Seal and our California State Parks partners at Hearst San Simeon State Park are offering this program to ensure that you and your pet will have a positive experience on our beaches and trails, respecting wildlife, other visitors and pets in the San Simeon area. 

Your pet can be a B.A.R.K. Ranger when you pledge to follow 4 simple principles:

The B.A.R.K. Ranger Principles

Bag your pet’s waste and properly dispose of it

    * Pet feces can spread diseases to our wildlife, introduce non-native plant seeds, and pollute streams and the ocean.

    * Make sure to always pack out bagged pet waste or dispose of it properly in waste disposal receptacles.

Always leash your pet

    * Pets must be restrained on a leash of no more than six feet. Unleashed pets may possibly scare other visitors, harass wildlife or run away in an unfamiliar area. 

Respect wildlife

    * Keep your pet, wildlife, and other people safe by using a leash. Unleashed pets can stress or injure wildlife. If your pet is barking, please return to your vehicle.
* Observe wildlife from a distance.  Always use your telephoto lens for photos and be sure to bring your binoculars for the best views. 

Know where you can go with your pet

    * Plan ahead and know where you can take your pet. There are many trails and beaches where pets are allowed on leash in the San Simeon area.

    * Check this listing for updated and accurate information : 

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